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Whats up beautiful people! I’m Aspen Rae and welcome to my official site! Having been in the adult industry since I was 18 (7 years total but don’t add up the numbers!) I have a metric FUCKTON of great content I get to share with you!

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Holy shit we did it!!!

On July 1st, I took the stage once again and competed in my 2nd figure class. Having won overall (in both novice and open last show in October) I was not allowed to compete in the novice class, and competed only the “Open Figure” class.

As I type this, a whirlwind of emotions hit me as I recall every hour leading up to the time I hit stage. Happiness, anxiousness, THIRST, anger (I’ll get to that part later) but most of all, insane gratitude!

The Water Cut: As you saw from my MFC stream the days leading up to the show, I have to go through a water cut.. my water intake goes from 1 gallon - my usual, to 8oz the day before the show, and no water the day of. This has always been the hardest and most difficult part of prep for me. When you’re thirsty, nothing matters.. not hunger, not sleep, not “selfies”, all you can think about is WATERRRRR. Come the day before the show, trying to choke down all the white rice and protein with cotton mouth is really trying.. ranting aside, you gotta do what you gotta do! The long and short of it is: the water cut + the carb load is what fills your muscles out without “spilling you over” and making you look soft and watery. There’s a lot of science that goes into it, but that would be the most simple way to explain it.

The Day of the Show: I had to wake up at 3am to continue my carbing up and choke down salmon and white rice. (It took about 30 mins to accomplish this) I woke up and I swear someone left cotton balls in my mouth overnight! I was thankfully able to fall back asleep until I had to be up at 6am for another meal, and then it was off to get my 2nd coat of spray tan and get my hair and make up all done. My coach is not only my biggest inspiration within the fitness industry, but she’s multitalented and did my hair and make up that morning as well!

Pre-Judging: Backstage, right before I step on, I get to eat jam and rice cakes to pump up! The jam was SOO good (primarily because it was moist and was the closest thing that resembled water I was allowed to have that day). I pumped up with the weights back stage and stepped on stage with as much confidence and poise I could muster! I was in an open class with 8 (I think) other girls. Once we complete our routine we go through “call outs” where they place us. I was first called out, center stage (which 99% of the time means you’ve got 1st!) I was ecstatic! ..however, still cautious because it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. (Strange saying for a bodybuilding show, huh?)

Mid-Afternoon: The LONGEST waiting of my life.. I was back in my hotel around 11am and had to wait until 6:30 to go back. My coach gave me a burger to have in-between (fucking awesome right?) The burger was probably delicious, but I was so focused on the water from the tomatoes, it was hard to really enjoy it. The rest of the afternoon is a blur, in and out of sleep just waiting…

Back Stage Pre-Finals: "It's lowkey at the night show (ooh)” The lyrics I had stuck in my head the entire time.. I arrive at 6pm to get make up touched up, and then I wait… and wait.. and wait.. Master’s Figure (35+ and 45+) goes on stage, and Novice figure lines up. That is my cue to get my shit together: Suite glued (yes, its literally glued onto my body) Eat spoonful of jam, pump up, lips touched up and get glazed so I can look like a perfectly roasted rotisserie chicken. As my suit was being glued and all things had been done they make an announcement back stage that they were moving the order of the show and the “Women’s Pro Physique” and “Men’s Pro” were going to be bumped ahead of my class and that would set me back 1 1/2 hours. “NOOOOOO!!!!!” I was READY!! My mind was right, my suite was glued, I had eaten my jelly and rice cake, all systems were GO! I was devastated (and yes, clearly very emotional lol) My first thought was “FUCK now I have to wait until 9:30pm before I can have water. WHAT THE HELL” I moped to the audience to sit with my friends to watch some of the show and sat in misery and anger towards the pros for stealing my spot.

Finals: FINALLY! The pros were done, and it was MY TURN! I marched on stage, strutted my stuff and was presented with the 1st place trophy for my class. Ahhhhhh!!! #worththethirst After winning 1st, you remain back stage along with the other 1st place winners for the “overall showdown/comparisons” This was the big one for me… I wanted more than anything to come home with another sword. I posed my best along side the other best women in their classes, and then it happened! “Please come to the center stage to collect her overall sword, ASPEN RAE!” Ahhhh I could cry. Remembering this gives me the goosebumps all over again. I was so happy!! I collected my sword with the wearing the biggest smile, and proudly walked off stage to meet my coaches who were waiting for me with a big jug of water.

Post-Show: Knowing that I have USA’s at the end of the month, I tried to keep my shit together and not go overboard on the sweets. 1 doughnut, 2 cookies, and as much sushi as I could stomach! And here we go! Onto the next show, the National Stage!! I am so grateful to have such amazing hands-on coaches, and it was a honor to compete against some amazing women who had worked their asses off to compete!

xo Aspen
Congratulation Aspen you've worked hard and deserve it. 2X now wow, the thing for sure judging by the pictures and video's your definitely improve from last year they are noticeable I don't how much more you need too get where you want them but they are growing, you and your coach are doing something right. Its still amazing how you are back to back now it did seem like this go around was a bit easier then when you were just starting to transition from bikini to figure i know it wasn't really easy obviously lol but you grind on though with 100% commitment and determination. I can't wait until your first U.S.competition i think those new legs and that back of your will definitely get that win if you don't get overall at least i really hope you win your class so you came get that pro card. Keep doing whatcha are doing OOHRAH!! :) #TheJulyGrind lol new hashtag for you :P
Dammit! Sorry. Its supposed to be "Legs" for sure instead of "thing" for sure. As well it's supposed to be "can" not "came" there. smh i hate when i do that.

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