7174 Photos + 145 Movies + 22 Models

Whats up beautiful people! I’m Aspen Rae and welcome to my official site! Having been in the adult industry since I was 18 (7 years total but don’t add up the numbers!) I have a metric FUCKTON of great content I get to share with you!

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Is it really 2019 already?!! Wtf happened to 2018!!
I guess I can break it down for ya, bulletproof style:

  • I moved, back to my old apt. I missed it. Moving is stressful, but whatever. Still living in CA until the license is finished.

  • I started prep for my Pro Debut! This was by far the hardest (and lowest) point in my life. I had a bad ear infection that made lifting (let alone hearing) nearly impossible. As a result, I came into my show not looking my best, and naturally, didn’t place. I knew going into the show that I didn’t stand much of a chance doing well. I was after all competing again MY COACH and 10+ other olympians whom I’ve looked up to for years. I was more-so disappointed in the fact that I myself was not looking my best. I took this one pretty hard, and I’m still having self-doubt and confidence issues moving forward towards the thought of my next show

  • HELICOPTER. Oh my god… this has been my life since September. I had NO idea how much would actually have to go into this before I take my check ride. It is more consuming and challenging than I ever thought possible. Writing this, I am less than 2 weeks away from my check ride. So we shall see how this goes! After this is all said and done, I will go into full detail in a youtube video explaining my thoughts and the process.

  • I adopted a new meow :) This was unplanned.. but after visiting the vet they said they had a black kitten arriving that afternoon who was found in an engine and needed a home. It was love at first sight and I took home my first hairy baby. Vera hated her passionately at first, but they are best friends now and bathe and cuddle regularly.

  • I traveled to Scotland with my father and sister! It was a two week road trip that was unlike any trip Ive ever done in the past! 1, because it was a road trip. 2, I was with my dad and sister. We hopped around various AirBnBs and drove literally all around the entire country (land? I know Scotland is apart of the UK)

  • I became a sponsored BANG ENERGY DRINK athlete! Finally!! Ive been drinking BANGS for forever now, and they chose to sponsor me! I make cool videos for my Fitness IG, and have 25% discount code for anyone willing to try :) "Aspen25" on their site.

  • I did my first GG show with the Lovely Paige! This was my first super sexy cam show with another girl in AGES!!! You can be expecting the videos from this amazing orgasm filled weekend in the future :)

  • I began training more new online diet/competition clients, and dove more into the fitness industry. I have so many great plans with this new adventure, and I hope this side of my life interests you to some degree as well! With any new adventure, I can only pray that some of my fans will help and support me in this new quest.

  • Thanks for reading my biog and stay tuned for a new look and many improvements to the site!!


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